New Vs Used Shipping Containers — The Ultimate Guide |BOXXPORT

Andrii Shevchuk
5 min readMar 18, 2021


There are several reasons why people may purchase shipping containers They can be used to store items, converted into semi-portable offices or warehouses, and even made into spacious residences amongst other uses. Regardless of what the justification is for purchasing a brand-new shipping container or an old one, you want the ones with the highest standards without any difficulty for the best price. Though it isn’t rocket science, you need to be well informed about all the criteria related to buying shipping or storage containers.

New (1-trip) Shipping containers

One- trippers are referred to as new containers. Manufactured overseas, they get loaded with cargo and gets shipped to the destination. Once the cargo gets unloaded, they are sold off. They remain in top-notch conditions except for a few dings or dents from being transported, loaded, and unloaded at the ports. New shipping containers have the least risk of cross-contamination. They will also come with a longer manufacturer’s warranty than what you’ll get on a used container, giving you peace of mind that your new investment is covered.

Used storage/shipping containers

The term “used” means it has made at least one-trip or has been used for storage or in shipping cargoes previously. They come in a variety of conditions depending on the seller. Generally sold at a cheaper price as compared to the new ones, they are available in three different categories-

Cargo Worthy Containers-

A little less in cost when compared to the one-trippers, they are sold at excellent conditions such that they can be used for shipping cargoes.

Wind and Watertight Containers

Wind and Watertight containers” have usually been used to carry freight anywhere from 8 to 15 years before being “off-hired.” They would be distinctly different from one-trippers. The hue may be faded, the outside and the inside may be slight be rusty, and dents and dings may be more noticeable. Yet they are water-proof and wind-resistant.

As-Is Containers

If the price is your main concern while buying used intermodal containers, then, this type is the best suited for you. Cargo boxes sold as-is can have holes or irregular damage, such as broken corner posts. They are priced appropriately but are not guaranteed to be windy or watertight.

Should you buy or should you lease?

Now, that you know the major points of difference between new and used intermodal containers, you need to decide which is the most desirable option for you. Or, should you buy them or simply lease them?

Though freight boxes aren’t that expensive, they aren’t that cheap either. You might find many suppliers also lease intermodal containers besides selling them. You need to consider a few factors and do a bit of math before you decide whether to buy or lease. The total cost of purchase, the duration for which you will require them, and the comparison between the cost of buying and leasing should be done before you decide what you want to do. When purchasing, it must be noted that, besides paying the price of the container, you will be required to pay the taxes, delivery fees, etc. Though it might seem that buying is an expensive option it isn’t so always, especially when you calculate for long-term uses. Yet some people choose to rent them even for a longer duration because of the small upfront payment and small monthly payments, instead of a large investment at once. Just do a little math and figure out where the investments will be cheaper.

Finding the best quality

Containers with the best conditions will cost more, yet they will last longer. One-trippers, when put into storage, can last up to 50 years without getting replaced, since they arrive in pristine condition. A used container may last for a shorter period of time due to its exposure to the natural elements. However, they still last for decades. How long a container will last, new or old, will depend on a variety of factors, like their usage, modifications, and quality of maintenance.

Often, when people order containers, they end up receiving low-quality products than expected due to the lack of a certified quality guarantee at the time of purchase.

“Used” container doesn’t mean bad quality. To find the right quality, worthy of your investment, you should always explore your options and buy from trusted sources only. Search through the testimonials of other clients before approaching someone to buy from them.

How to get the best price?

The price of a container largely depends on the quality. One-trip containers cost more than the used ones. The price also depends on where you are geographically and what type of container is available near you.

Upon searching, you might find great deals from individual sellers or your local depot or container company. However, the easiest way to find the best deals would be buying directly from a container supplier as it cuts all the middlemen, hence no extra charges are included.

Where to buy the right quality shipping containers from?

When you search the web, you will find several ways on how you can acquire new or used shipping containers. Though you might have some limitations depending on your geographical location, you should choose wisely. Check for customer reviews and testimonials and figure out the most trust-worthy places from where you can buy your products.

Through eBay or Craigslist or similar sites, you might find individual listings where containers may be in great conditions, but you might find yourself unable to find their different varieties. Sometimes, what you see might not be what you receive so you should be careful when buying from such sellers.

Instead, you can try your local suppliers or find suppliers online, like BOXXPORT. We meet your shipping containers requirements internationally and your location will never hinder our product delivery.

Browse through our website to find the best deals on new and used shipping containers and find the ones which suit your needs the best and get quotations from the sellers. We follow completely transparent processes with no extra fees.

Originally published at on March 18, 2021.



Andrii Shevchuk

I am Andrii Shevchuk, Head of Operations at BOXXPORT. BOXXPORT is an online marketplace where one can buy and sell containers from any part of the world.