New vs Used Shipping Containers: Solution to the Dilemma | BOXXPORT

Andrii Shevchuk
6 min readAug 6, 2021


Are you confused about which type of shipping container suits your needs and should be preferred to ship the type of cargo that you possess? The confusion of buying a new or used shipping container has been in the container market for a very long time.

This blog is dedicated to eradicate any confusion that you tend to have while buying shipping containers to transport cargo from one location to another.

95% of the entire world trade is facilitated by shipping containers, as they are used all over the world to transport cargo. Depending on the variety of cargo, many categories of shipping units have been brought in so that goods belonging to any industry can be shipped in an efficient way. There is a wide variety and dimensions of shipping containers that came in soon after the invention of the cargo box.

The first step to be followed once you have decided to take advantage of a shipping container is to decide which shipping container pertains to your needs. There are a wide variety of shipping boxes that are available in the market and can be easily obtained from certain shipping container companies or online container trading platforms as well.

You can gain access to used containers for sale like dry van, platform or tank containers, double door, etc. There are also certain commonly preferred dimensions that are used by exporters and importers. These are namely 20 feet, 40 feet, and high cube shipping containers.

Let’s get to the question this blog wants to help with: Buy a new or used container?

The decision regarding whether to purchase containers needs certain facts and criteria to be discussed about both new and used shipping containers in order to make a well-informed decision.

New Shipping Containers

New shipping Containers, also referred to as “one-trip shipping containers” are those cargo boxes that are large sturdy boxes that are manufactured from high quality Cor-ten steel, and are used to transport cargo from one location to another, efficiently. They are made to withstand harsh climatic conditions, and are also safe and durable, and are considered as a shipping and storage asset that is an investment that easily sticks around for 15–20 years.

These are a good long-term shipping or storage option as they are almost brand new, except for the trip that they had to make to be transported to the arrival destination from the location of manufacture. They are practically flawless. They might have a few minor scratches or dents as they had to be handled to and from the seaports, loaded with the goods, and had to be stacked onto a shipping container vessel for the shipment.

New shipping containers are an ideal choice for individuals or companies who want nothing short of the quality, durability, and strength in their shipping units. They are considered the right choice especially when the cargo to be transported comprises medical supplies, electrical equipment, or even certain delicate prized possessions, thanks to their excellent condition.

They come with certain feature:

  • They are fully watertight and secure.
  • They are multi-vented in order to reduce any chances of condensation.
  • They are constructed completely with steel, thus making them safer as well as strong enough to endure harsh conditions.
  • They provide ease of door opening and also have a lockbox on the containers providing supreme safety to your cargo.
  • They are portable and also provide ground-level access.

PROS of New Shipping Containers

Pristine Condition: A brand new product will always be better. A new shipping container is sparkling new both from the outside and inside as there will be no marks, scratches, or dents, thus implying that the condition will be untouched. There will not be any previous branding marks either.

Air-tight: As they have brand new seals, new cargo boxes are winder, water, and airtight, thus ensuring that no debris, dust, or moisture can enter the container and ruin the cargo.

Forklift Pockets: To provide easy transportation, new cargo units are fitted with forklift pockets.

A safe option for modification: They are a good choice when it comes to using containers to convert them into new structures like homes, restaurants, hospitals, etc.

CONS of New Shipping Containers

Extra worthy for storage: New containers are not a sensible choice when it comes to the storage of cargo.

Costly: They are more expensive than used containers, so one needs to conduct a thorough analysis regarding whether they truly need a new shipping container or not.

Used Shipping Containers

Used shipping containers, like the name suggests, are cargo boxes that have made more than one trip to transfer cargo, or are used as a storage unit for an individual or a company.

However, that being said does not mean that used shipping units have been used up to their highest potential, and can’t be used anymore. In fact, in many cases, shippers prefer used cargo boxes to ship their goods because many a times, as the units are pretty new, they have not been through many journeys of transportation of cargo.

Used freight units are considered to be exceptional storage units as they are portable, secure, and weatherproof. One has to be aware of the condition grade of the unit before you purchase one, so that you can be entirely sure about any toxins present in the overall physical of the container is still usable.

Used containers are considered to be an ideal choice for those who are not drawn towards the outwards appearances of their shipping units. They are a way to bridge the gap between functionality and costing. They might vary in color, have, depending on the grade, some scratches or dents, and also rust as the steel has been exposed to moisture-prone areas. But if they are handled with care and proper maintenance, they can easily last up to many years to come.

They are the best option for the ones who want effective storage solutions. They are also a brilliant choice who want to do certain modifications and refurbish the container into new constructions.

PROS of Used Shipping Containers

Perfect for storage: The used shipping containers that cannot be used for transportation anymore can be conveniently used for the storage of cargo. They can be found and accessed easily as many boxes are left unused after a number of trips but are still in perfect condition to store the freight.

Cost-effective option: Since they have already been used, they are not as highly-priced as the new units. They come in different quality grades and are thus priced accordingly.

Great for modified structures: Used shipping containers are also an ideal choice to create modified structures and thus help in saving the environment. People prefer buying old or used cargo boxes to convert them into homes, offices, cafes, schools, etc. as they are just lying with no task and are a great threat to the environment.

CONS of Used Shipping Containers

Risk of cross-contamination: Used containers, within their lifespan, conduct many trips carrying around various types of cargo in each shipment. This is a concerning reason as to transport certain cargo, like perishable items, utilizing a used cargo box is not a safe option as you do not know what type of cargo has been previously transported into that particular container.

Degraded features: Many features like strong material, weather-proof, air and wind-tight, etc. are missing in some used cargo boxes as they have been worn out due to their previous repeated usage making them an unfit option to safely transport cargo.

The design of a shipping container has evolved, along with the development in the market. If you are in a dilemma about whether to buy new or second hand shipping container, you need to analyze your shipping requirements and remember that if your cargo needs certain features like forklifts, brand new metal, lockboxes, etc., then purchasing a new container would be the ideal decision. But old containers cannot be just discarded, they could be still durable and sturdy and serve you for decades just like a new one.

Once you make this decision all that is left is to purchase the shipping container. For that, we come to your service. BOXXPORT is an online container trading platform that matches you with buyers as well as sellers of new and used shipping containers within your budget. We have an international platform where traders all over the world come together in one place and look for buyers or sellers that can provide them with the type and dimension of the cargo box they require at affordable prices.

Originally published at on August 6, 2021.



Andrii Shevchuk

I am Andrii Shevchuk, Head of Operations at BOXXPORT. BOXXPORT is an online marketplace where one can buy and sell containers from any part of the world.