10 Innovative Uses of Shipping Containers | BOXXPORT

Andrii Shevchuk
4 min readJan 7, 2021

In a world where people are thinking ‘out of the box’, intellects are going crazy with the idea of creating ‘the world in the box’! Yes, you read it right! The “world in the box”! Now what next comes to your mind is whether is it possible? I will say yes! It is. The durable shipping containers used for transportation of goods is not just one facility it can provide, with online container-buying provision BOXXPORT.com ensures the first step of your dream box; the place you wanna live in so what’s to wait for? Here are some super freaking and innovative ideas you can brainstorm with…

Free size homes

In this ever-growing population and ever reducing land, you can build your sweet home within the less space available and yet spacious enough to fulfil all your requirements. These cargo Shipping containers are the best durable replacement of the bricks and cement. You can add or minimize them as per your choice and have your pocket-friendly dream home! You can even trade containers online and create some super creative houses to sell and build your business with an altogether new idea of mobile houses just as the Architects and engineers are doing it. No need to go home when the home can go with you!!!

Swimming pools

Yes! You can have your swimming pool built with these rust-proof containers with ease and less time. You can enjoy your hot summers in these cool pools on weekends with your friends and family by reusing the old shipping containers and transform them into the stylish and trendy pool and have a customized version.

Dine in’s and Takeaways

Most of us find a cosy place to hang out or grab some peaceful mealtime. And the youths and foodies always wander in search of new places to try. What if they hear the shipping container cafe or shipping container Restaurant? It’ll strike into their heads like a bolt and you’ll get free promotion for your new outlet with these large affordable containers and little creativity. Let your massive cooking talent come up to the world in the cute little takeaways in the overcrowded streets to vanish the hunger of the bulletin people who are always in rush. Well, when Starbucks can nail it… Why can’t others? So may it be dating, jamming, or hangouts, this strategy can make it perfect and rock your start-up as never before.

Emergency Hospitals

Just as the ambulance for which you sometimes have to wait long for getting treatments, these new emergency hospitals will reach you quickly! No need to wait long for treatments to be done instead switch to these shipping containers hospitals installed in the mobile areas where the facilities aren’t easily available. This is perhaps the versatile application of engineering knowledge.

Portable toilets

Stuck between the needles of the clock! Don’t have time to stop! Don’t want to share your sanitization spot? The solution to this is portable toilets. Reprocessing inter-modal shipping containers as movable toilets are a common yet innovative sight to see in many countries making the environment more hygienic and sanitation made easy. This is the smart move in the changing lifestyle.

Kids zone

Whether home, workplace, or school, children are an integral part of our life. Their safety can’t be ignored. To ensure a safe environment a separate kid’s friendly zone by modifying cargo shipping containers can add cheery to the cake. A cost-efficient and time-saving alternative with soft edge tools and toys will give a long life to you and your children whenever you are, you are together!

Indoor garden and Nurseries

Rapid Urbanization and Industrialization has faded the gardening culture. Pollution is adding to the alarming concern for plantations and reforestation. Transforming and reusing shipping containers to a nursery or your self-designed inner garden. It gives you an option to re-use them and go eco-friendly is the need of the hour. An innovative initiative to go green! Have your personal oxygen parlours!

Garage and workshop

Lack of space at homes for work-related privacy and your passion for owning your customized collection of cars has resulted in the trend of using intermodal shipping containers as alternative workplaces and safe and durable parking. Your cars are safe and you are always up for work!

My corners/ Personal Space

Still fed-up in search of your personal space in this busy world? Be a Discotheque, bar, pub for parties or the library for your favourite books and peaceful reading, gym for your fitness and secret transformations, Sauna for rejuvenating your mind and soul, and Art Studios for your personal collection to find your me-time everything under one box; a cargo Container! Architects and Interior designers are nailing it down! Be your own home decor by trading containers online and have your version of your type of personal space with the best quality containers.

And the innovation never ends with this… There is much more, a never-ending trend is awaiting you. We are waiting to be the helping hands for your success! Where are you? Come and join the revolution.

Originally published at http://newandusedshippingcontainers.wordpress.com on January 7, 2021.



Andrii Shevchuk

I am Andrii Shevchuk, Head of Operations at BOXXPORT. BOXXPORT is an online marketplace where one can buy and sell containers from any part of the world.