How E-commerce will Impact Logistics? | BOXXPORT

Andrii Shevchuk
5 min readAug 20, 2020


cargo containers for Sale

Technologies have always been known for simplifying human task by reducing human efforts, increasing speed and efficiency, and bringing uniformity to the work. In every field technological advancement is taking a new turn. Especially in sectors like logistics and supply chain where work never stops and things are needed to be at a pace to meet the demands of people across the world, technologies play a major role. Today, a wide variety of products make their way to customers’ homes online- all thanks to e-commerce!

Ecommerce offers business a whole range of opportunities, from marketing to increasing products ranges to generating more sales, and with an optimized and well-developed website you can not only achieve these goals but also offer your customers around the clock, convenient service, that can boost business growth. Comprehending this, businesses across the world have started to emphasize more on e-commerce capacitance. What truly revolutionized the entire functioning of logistics and supply chain is the curated E-Commerce thing. As the industry looks to further digitize, standardize, and ultimately streamline complex transportation processes, logistics-focused technology is becoming increasingly important.

When it comes to the convergence of e-commerce and logistics, giant companies like Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal are leading the trend. Besides, global sourcing and international fulfilment web sites like Alibaba are creating the opportunity where various popping up start-ups could buy goods in bulk at a reasonable price. And now for the first time, the world has an e-commerce site BOXXPORT for shipping containers trading. This is the first-ever site that enables people to sell and buy shipping containers online worldwide.

Combine all of this with a new round of Internet-based freight forwarder disruptors, who move freight globally by the sea, air, road, and rail, and the indication is that transactions need to become further aggregated and streamlined to meet both B2C and B2B customer needs.

Impact of E-commerce on Logistics

With the world getting more connected and more aware, the demands of customers are increasing every day. Sellers are distributors are looking for better ways to carry out hassle-free shipping, and companies like BOXXPORT are bringing new innovations to make the process as advanced as possible. BOXXPORT is emerging as an industry leader to fulfill the freight forwarders and shippers’ demands of containers who then contribute to the shipment of goods globally.

1. Same day delivery: Apart from cost and convenience, another thing that customers have heavily started to demand is the least possible delivery time. Though various e-commerce has started to deliver the product the same day of order, it somewhat leads to greater competition amongst sellers. To offer same-day delivery, the companies need to be strong at operations, management, transportation services, and operators working at every location.

According to Business Insider research, the value of the same-day-delivery market at the end of the last year was estimated to be between $3 and $4 billion. These sales represent a massive segment of audience who are willing to pay extra for the same-day deliveries. Products such as food and electronics goods are popularly being sold for same-day-delivery. While the top companies like Amazon, Alibaba, Uber, etc are working hard to take advantage of it and provide same-day delivery at the same time trying to make it cost-effective.

2. Greater adoption of digital technologies: With people becoming habitual to online shopping, the demand for cutting edge technologies will be on the rise. To make the entire operations smooth and flexible, there has to be the involvement of smart technologies. According to 100 years study of Artificial Intelligence, IoT, cloud technologies is going to take over the logistics. We are already witnessing the small signs of AI popping up in technologies we use in our daily life. E-Commerce giants have started to use big data, adopt machine learning, and AI to collect customer preferences and suggest items accordingly.

AI technologies are also being seen in exchanges between various points of contact in the supply chain. It is also being used for routing optimization, based on the date of delivery addresses and distances to be covered by delivery drivers. From showcasing products, receiving orders, dispatch to delivery, and return process, where data needs to be tracked and record for future. With the advent of more and more E-commerce trend, the operations in Logistics are going to become more accurate, quick, and responsive.

3. Greater need for Automation: For the smooth functioning of E-commerce, there has to be strong technological competencies like Automation. Automation is something that is completely going to revolutionize the Logistics if implemented well. With pre-filled forms and securely saved data, the process becomes more seamless. The main advantages of automation in logistics are- Real-time access to loading and data analysis. When you have access to such information, you have the option to make better decisions for your business operations.

Use of AR/VR

The only drawback people have in shopping online is that they cannot touch and feel the product or see in person. Experts are working hard to convert every challenge into an opportunity. To overcome this one, the use of Augmented Reality (AR) & Virtual Reality (VR) will come to be useful. AR/VR is somewhat going to be immensely helpful in improving customer browsing and shopping experience. A better browsing experience of goods in the shopping cart could tremendously influence logistics.

Augmented reality (AR) adds digital elements to a live view often by using the camera on a smartphone. While using Virtual Reality (VR) devices such as HTC Vive, Oculus Rift or Google Cardboard, users can be transported into a number of real-world where the product will be visible to customers as if they are exactly in front of them.

A perfect example of AR could be the Lenskart which enable people to try out every frame on their face before making a purchase. It reduces the chance of returning. Ikea and Amazon have taken a step ahead by working in the AR space to make product browsing and testing a better experience for customers. Products seen and tried well are less likely to be returned.

Conclusion: E-Commerce will not just benefit customers at large but altogether; it will bring immense technologies that will overall impact the logistics in a positive way leading to more growth and development. The e-commerce landscape is forever changing, making things more efficient, flexible, accessible. This post describes how e-commerce trends could affect logistics in upcoming years. As a business executive, it is imperative to adapt to these changes to offer better services than your competitors.



Andrii Shevchuk

I am Andrii Shevchuk, Head of Operations at BOXXPORT. BOXXPORT is an online marketplace where one can buy and sell containers from any part of the world.